Discrimination against women in entrance examination for medical school” by Yamaguchi, Tsunoda, Itakura
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Monday, March 25, 2019, 11:00 – 12:00
Kazuo Yamaguchi, Professor of department of sociology, the University of Chicago
Yukiko Tsunoda, Joint representative of Lawyers acting to eliminate discrimination against women in entrance examination for medical school
Yumi Itakura, Secretariat member of Lawyers acting to eliminate dissemination against women in entrance examination for medical school
Language: The speech and Q & A will be in English.
“Discrimination against women in entrance examination for medical school”
The notice of this event will be available shortly.
5F Marunouchi Nijubashi Bldg., 3-2-3, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005
Doors open for TV crew at 10:15, For all others at 10:30, still cameras included.
Please reserve in advance, 3211-3161 or on the website (still & TV cameras inclusive). Reservations and cancellations are not complete without confirmation.
Professional Activities Committee